Sunday 15 July 2018


You are the perfection that my heart possesses,
Everyone wants a glimpse of ur beauty 
Claiming to be your knight in shining armour 
I see an angel in human clothing 
Bathed in Godlike grace
Eyes of wisdom, her love unfolds,
Holding a hand in moonlit nights
Yearning for more, but silence proceeds
Elegantly dressed, she sits pretty,
Melodrama around her is not her care
I see her through a kaleidoscope, 
She rearranges her poses with a naughty grin
I wish she smiles and let it fall apart
The madness can pout over me and moan
For I see an angel's suppressed grief 

Friday 3 November 2017


YES.... THIS IS THE MAGIC WORD now reflecting in front of your eyes. Accept it in your heart, don't allow the mind to trick you... it's a very cunning trickster that at times loves shirking tasks and create problems that do not exist. FROM now on, it won't. Badger it with a reverberating and ever so mind deafening YES... SO WHAT IF YOU make mistakes.... JUST KEEP DOING IT... no matter how shabby the first few attempts at a thing... the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Why compare yourself to others when you have vast reservoirs of potential in you. Do something about it. Despite repeated failure, we can rise to the occasion at the flick of a second to proclaim open- heartedly to our subconscious mind and guide it to get us out of any difficult negative situation. Courage is the name of the game. Burn all bridges behind you. Have a burning desire to accomplish what you set out to do.  Give your mind that command. Drive yourself to the extreme limit. Slow down, be patient and be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Give yourself some space in which you can rest first and repose the mind gently. Centre yourself first ...then it can flow freely... Let it go completely. ... let the mind drop to another higher level of consciousness. Let your true self beautify and touch the very essence of your soul and then you create something ... just for the sake of it. ... the cuckoo sings not to impress but to please itself and do the task it has been assigned by the Almighty. How are people different . Do everything with zest and an unbeatable and indomitable spirit of optimism and focus. Be passionate, goal oriented and a can-do spirit of determination. Ease out and enjoy the task. ... Enjoy life and why not, dont give any excuses,keep working, inspiration exists but it has to find you working... WORK HARD AND SMART. give your absolute best in every moment of life, so that you grow old with no regrets... Don't become shallow and mellow... BE a LION, roar out aloud at life, beckon the fervour that already exists in the heart. Drag that sorrow and morose feeling out of you and destroy it. It is futile and gives you nothing but takes away your joy and pleasure of life. BE YOURSELF, true and beautiful, in every moment. Safeguard your values and principles and uphold them till it becomes second nature to you and touches and beautifies every facet of your life and every situation you encounter. Thrust yourself out there, by going within your heart and then create ....Take control of yourself and have absolute faith and surrender completely to the present moment.

Tuesday 28 February 2017


They found their way back to me ... My dreams, slowly and gradually, we met each other and embraced, I found my crimson and beautiful reality back after a period of turmoil and distress. Now, it is my time to shine and rise above the ashes and forego completely of what was and illuminate my current state through knowledge, application of wisdom and glowing in the glory of the 'Present Moment'. I'm still and serene, and wise and happy. The simplicity is back, there is no more complication at all. Everything is beautiful and lovely. Let me be content and keep getting better at what I do. Just being me, simply everywhere and anywhere. Firmly grounded and holding myself steady... Being a charm and spreading joy everywhere. Self realisation is just this- being happy with yourself and in the present moment, acting wisely as per your own conscience that keeping guiding you towards the right path. Every struggle in life leads to become wiser and more efficient at handling yourself in different situations, and reacting positively and constructively narrow-minded individuals as they come along.
What is life all about?
It is about peace and blissfulness. It is acceptance and patience, creativity and perseverance. Focus and enthusiasm can help an individual create not just a successful work life but also a happy personal environment in which he is able to cherish and treasure his/her interests and share them with others(friends and family) to create much warmth. Thereby, a person can influence his children in inclining them towards activities which can reap positive benefits later in life. For eg, yoga and meditation, if taught to kids at an early age, can produce profoundly enlightened individuals, who can be the future pioneers of innovative change and dynamic progress.

A slow, steady and smooth approach is the best way towards success in today's digitally-driven environment. In order to lure the mind towards productive activities, we must constantly educate it, in a calmly detached manner, and subjugate it so it listens to us, the awareness and command it stealthily towards the right path. Determination and a goal-oriented attitude must be encouraged among young kids, they must be given the right impetus that jet-sets their mind towards a particular goal and be constantly guided in a friendly manner. What we sow in our minds, can either be reaped in our favour in the form of a bright and progressive future or a future devoid of bright prospects...

Saturday 31 December 2016

Leap and the net will appear

The mind- a jigsaw puzzle, waiting to be decoded, a moment at a time. Therein lies the key to your success and the logical solution to every problem. But how do we use it effectively so that it benefits us to the fullest extent. Can you undo and unlearn your old ways of being and forgive your past failures to move ahead, so that a new -YOU can be re-discovered and a more subtle, confident version of you emerges. How do we handle the daily pressures of living and at the same time, keep our minds sane enough to be productive in daily life. Can you balance out your love life and work life so that it becomes effortlessly easy and manageable to sort out any issues that arise in either sphere of life without actually contributing less in one area and more in the other? Can we as humans train ourselves to be positive and optimistic again, to have the courage to alter things that are redundant in us and obsolete to the point of change seeming almost mandatory. Have you come across a cross road ,which leads directly to your success. Can you take a leap of faith?! Of course, you can ... 

Leap and the net will appear-- Unknown

A quote worthy of contemplation. Don't just read and shrug it off like dust... try to comprehend the deeper meaning of it. In order to leap, we need courage and endurance. In addition, you will also need to become friends with the unknown. Can you trust yourself enough to toss out the judgments and go for it anyway? YES... Well, then what are you waiting for? Toss it off... Let go off negativity and superstitions from your mind first... Become completely detached from it... take off and jump!! Take action to steadily reach your goal... That is the pre-requisite for success. You must detached enough to understand yourself from a third person's point of view as well as steady enough to keep the foundation sturdy. Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods... Just let go the ego hassles of the past and let the light and beauty of the moment enchant your senses and thrill your life force... Have a grip on what's real and what's imagination! Use the latter wisely and frugally...!

Monday 12 October 2015


Gentle night embracing me, wrapping her arms beckoning me to sleep,
Eyes heavy, mind unburdened, soul is drifting to ocean of dreams..
Subtle whispers of abandoned dreams rise forth to weep,
 At this time, why are you weeping in streams?

The moonlit caress upon the shimmering waters, a ballerina in trance,
Shadowy figures creep upon the lake,
Will I defy the figures and continue to dance,

Mastering it, ready to perform for the dawn’s sake.

Thursday 8 October 2015


A moment's surprise, a glimpse into the unknown
A serenity that pervades all, is that God?
We long to contact something above us,
But forget in our conceptualizing, that it is all engulfed within.
Words, mere signposts, seeking justification,
mind seeking clarification for what evades its essence.

There exists within it, both the means to light and to darkness,
choose what you want, but know that you co-create
of which the mind knows everything, yet at times deludes itself in vain...
Conscious surrender unto the Magnificent is the name of the game,
yet the mind feels like it is hard to tame.

Are we all blossoming into flowers unaware of their essence,
with faces painted and bodies tainted,
Artificial flowers withering away into despair and the chaos of egoic form,
Yet suddenly in joy, we bloom into a flowery meadow,
A surprise then dawns upon us, we rise above this chaotic pyre

A transcendental place of blissful awareness takes over,
How long will it last is something to be surpassed,
Give not a name, a time zone, a time limit, I meant,
For that which is Spirit is detached from the mind...
Yet calms the very nerves of the over-worked brain.

~ Raisa

Monday 10 August 2015

Heart Chakra meditation (Pink rose exercise)

Imagine if you are standing outside yourself looking at the middle of your back... looking at  a pink rose bud sticking out from your heart, it sticks out directly towards you, its bright beautiful pink rose, 4-5 inches from the middle of your back. Now bring your consciousness back inside our body,facing forward and now imagine that pink rose starting to open- the Big pink petals starting to open up, getting bigger and bigger, larger and larger 2 & 1/2 inches and now there is pink light starting to pour into your heart.its becoming larger almost 6 inches and more and more pink light pouring into your heart, back , chest, stomach , hips , thighs, calves ends of your toes,shoulders arms elbows, wrists hands fingers, head scalp and filling your entire being with pink light and then say to yourself - '' I allow myself to love myself  and I feel good and loving towards myself even in this no matter what trauma or emotional upset I am going through.
You can do it any time you have fear, anger, emotional upset coming along and feel how the pink light works in your body, feel your heart, feel your breath,feel your spirit opening up and encompassing love, bringing in the love through the pink light down into your body; the love of God, the divine Mother,the love of your Higher Self, the love of your guides and angels  and feel that pink light permeate your entire being and spread out to everyone around you and through our your entire world.
This is the original video from YouTube.... Above is the transcript.