Thursday 4 December 2014

Dreams or reality.....

Long dead past episodes and the overzealous futuristic aspirations keep sliding off in the mental frame of the present state on an automaton as we humans tend to either mull over the regretful lost innocuous dreams of youth that captivated us or stay in futuristic realms, unable to realize either. Partly the inability to realize these lost dreams is the lack of motivation and the determination to finish a task to the end, the way we did as kids. When we were young, and felt a keen interest in an activity we didn't think about the benefits that we could reap from it, just a spontaneous burst of energy from within led to the completion of tasks. How did we as adults come to this stage, where we are so fraught with the monetary and financial aspects of a task that until an interest is profitable enough we shun from even keeping it in our conscious mind ? Well, some of you, may think it is the upbringing of expectation that we are brought up in that corrodes our creativity and motivational aspirations, and we end up doing unfulfilling jobs or tasks. Another reason for not realizing dreams could be believing what others think of you to be true as against your own motivations that you know would verily lead to a completely different almost parallel world, but indeed this would be your dream world. Some would say that in the hustle and bustle and daily pressures of existence we let go of that child-like creative, spontaneous force, or rather these are the whims of rich, upper-class families who have much disposable income and the proper space and ‘me time’ that leads them to reach their creativity or inner self. But isn't a pure need to reach our true self the only criteria that supersedes all other material/ worldly characteristics we are born into. Those of us, who become wise at an early age are the most fortunate of all, since they are not only able to realize this need and translate it into reality but also touch the lives of others around them by guiding them along the way.
There are two ways of spreading light – to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it’- Edith Wharton. Yes, indeed, once you are a source of light to others inevitably you can help to brighten the world yourself and act as an inspiration to others who long to be like you and in the process create replicas of your ideas and spread the light even farther. Although people may have different dreams, the source of a dream is the same- the need to create change, fulfil our youth dreams and childish fantasies of innocence where we sort of lived in a utopian world and everything was possible and doable. Let me remind you today that although a river never travels the same path twice or that it continuously gushes forward to embrace an eternity(ocean), it must meet the waters that flowed before and mix and create an abundance in the ocean that it ultimately touches. In the same way, we may not be able to reach past circumstances and try to alter them, at least not in our lifetime, but we can gather the present knowledge and mix it with the understanding of the past to create a beautiful, more fulfilling experience. But if your past brings to you memories of fear, loneliness and trauma then you may take it as a karmic journey which has made you into a strong independent person today. 
Although the karmic consequences of our actions in this life, past or future, cannot be proved through science, it cannot completely be discarded- since every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In our digital world, anything we can’t fathom through our five senses doesn't exist or is pure bullshit according to self-proclaimed rationalists. But if you believe so as well, then tell me what really makes us alive or starts our biological processes. Indeed it is prana, chi, or soul energy whatever you want to call it. This is a gift from God, and we need to go within our souls to rout out its iniquities and replace them with values that bring us and others equal amounts of joy and peace. After or during the process of realisation of the beauty of life through practising of inner peace and spontaneity, we also go on fulfilling one dream after another and influence others to accomplish theirs. One has to go within to find the child again and reach that subtle life force again, that creative balancing and ever enlightening divine force. We have to be open to change and it’s easier said than done but after 21 days of habit formation, a life time habit can be created or changed.
After you go through that initial realization that change is possible and that one can change even in adult life, it paves a way for immense growth and you start looking at yourself in a different way. This is a time when all the past episodes and futuristic dreams which were being played in slide transition mode in our mind, get quietened and we begin seeing Present Life as Eternity, the moment becomes Eternity unto itself. We begin viewing the triviality and stupidity of guilt/ego trips, financial superiority, race for competitive aggression, sexist or racist agendas and a solemn silence abounds in our life. We start recognizing the fact that everyone is looking for this inner peace and wisdom and many times they are their own greatest enemies who in the midst of narcissistic tendencies, fail to understand their heart’s true calling and what they should actually be doing.
~ Raisa V. Pradhan

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