Monday 23 March 2015

The Secret: Revealed ?!!

Let us together appreciate the beauty of the Now; let us not forget that there is one realm of psychological time which is only an instrument of the mind to constantly project us either into the long-gone past or either the Hopeful or the Sad Future. Let us rejoice in the Now, this moment even if your mind-identified state, thinks otherwise and does not honor the Now, the present. It wants and wants and is never satisfied and although truthful and graceful intentions asked with a pure heart do manifest over a period of prolonged adherence to qualities of faith, integrity, belief in ourselves, that we are much more than this biological suit that we are wearing- indeed a vibrating embodiment of the divine, sparkling with the light of prana or chi, if u just allow it to be - The egoic mind tries to obstruct even the manifestations that you want by creating doubt- the single most factor that has caused many a strong men and women, also Governments to lose faith in their own uniqueness. 

This is exactly which brings me to the same point again, don't you see that, just open your eyes and let the ego die its natural death- It creates wants out of a false self image. If you are creating it without the ego's interference in it, you will see that these wants and motivations/goals are leading eventually towards a higher goal and you want good for everyone. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne was a huge success, because of the fact that it contains seeds of wisdom, taken for granted and put up in a sort of earthly manner, for the common man & woman to understand its startling, yet not talked about significance, most naturally, almost intuitively grab its essence and start applying that readily. But for those of you who are reading my post, I want to clear a few things about the secret and would like you to understand something:
1) See, firstly if you want a a lot of material wealth and abundance, it is most assuredly the inner abundance and generosity of spirit & openness to receive which will give you this wealth. You need a plan to put your 'purpose' out there so that you can not just benefit yourself but also others. You life purpose may be an activity you enjoy a lot. Definitely think about the end result, yes it helps greatly- the vision board experience, visualize it but also honor the 'Now'. I don't recommend wishful thinking. Strategically targeting a particular goal, then sending out sound waves of the desire helps to achieve it. In Hinduism, and Buddhism , we chant mantras and they have certain divine quality to it because of the fact that very enlightened beings created them and also repetition makes them powerful or dynamic. Multiples of 9 specifically 108 chants are recommended. But see, even if you don't believe in all this, because your religion disallows it, it means you are blocking something which is freely available to be made use of and to help your aura become powerful. You can go ahead and say words like Love, I am positive, anything starting with I am, but use the mirror technique: look into your eyes, know your purpose and say these words. You will feel an immediate surge of energy.

2) For those of you, who are going through a tough emotional or financial time, I would say believe in a power greater than yourself, yes it is within yourself - We are all created in the image and likeness of the divine, and have a spark of the divine- this is the fastest way to access God- You have to understand that everything cant be seen by the eyes, but if you have immense faith, I am 100% sure you will start seeing beautiful angels and even God. 

3) Nowadays I hear a lot of chaos and fights about religions, and I say only one thing - all this violence is a game of the egoic mind to keep us all apart- it is our insecurity, fear of being challenged- at the end of the day, what you believe in, you will most assuredly believe, but I can only light the flame of wisdom in you- I would say Keep your mind Open. If you think someone is draining you emotionally and mentally, just separate yourself from them, don't react or talk, silence will cure everything. You have to value this moment and make the best use of it, to have a beautiful future. All these fights and ego hassles will vanish in the light of your consciousness rising to greater levels when you value THIS MOMENT. 

4) Don't be afraid of the truth or have your beliefs questioned by others. The truth inside knows what is good and what is fake. Don't hide otherwise you will keep perpetuating a false self image. 

5)  The soul is neither feminine nor masculine, we take birth to learn some lessons in life, our karmic lessons decide what kind of experiences we have. But you can always choose, think before you act, and you can change the karmic influences of the past. If you want, you can chant the Vishnu Sahasranama(1000 names of Vishnu) on YouTube: type Vishnu Sahasranama for beginners... And see the difference. 

5) Don't let the ego come in the way of manifesting desires and wants, let them manifest out of pure love and joy, true intentions, faith. Belief in yourself will take you to great heights. 
Remember the journey of a 1000 miles, begins with a single, firm step... Try little things first, believe me: Your faith in yourself, others and God, will grow manifold. 
Read this book: 
Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Practicing the Power of Now... It is amazing and life changing....

~Raisa V. Pradhan

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