Tuesday 28 July 2015


When you start overflowing with gratitude and joy, a sudden 'aha' moment comes into cognizance, and you're literally an inventor, rebuilding your own mental & emotional paradigms into a beautiful, self replenishing system. What I mean is that, in an instant you're not just metamorphosed, albeit through a rather arduous & heart-pinching catharsis, into a world of ecstasy, real-time happiness, overflowing gratitude yet an earthly practical attitude with emerging courage. Now, you may say, she is just blabbering onto your computer-screen, but believe me it is not so. The catharsis involves constantly evolving, uplifting your level of consciousness, cutting through the pain and heartaches, into a paradise of freedom, willpower infused with determination and truthfulness, acceptance of one's nature completely - be it sexual, emotional, and spiritual, as well as weeding out the iniquities in one's nature that is obstructing one from giving unconditional love to everyone.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference - Reinhold Niebuhr. 

This subtle difference can cause people too much pain- in the sense that the spirit is essentially formless and remains the same, is devoid of evil and sadness. It lies at the core of our Being. You may have been able to access this centre during meditative practices or during sudden bursts of joy. Once you completely and whole-heartedly accept the formless dimension of yourself, be rest assured that things will certainly fall into their right order. It is indeed resistance to 'what is '(the moment) that causes us to compensate the true joy of Being by masking it with an overtly obsessed need to possess objects, manipulate people or feel sorry for ourselves. 'Courage to change' indeed involves our freewill through which can free ourselves of unnecessary hurtful situations by our own willingness to let go and then with courage change our track towards something which leads us to our ideal life.

Re-building paradigms helps to carve out a way for us to leap forward, and combined with the courage to accept change and the willingness to rejoice each moment, we are indeed catapulted into a mesmerizing whirlpool of heavenly bliss and gratitude. You are the one guarding the gates of change in your life, so it will take an introspective attitude and serenity to reach your core. Humour and taking things light heartedly will lead you there. 

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