Saturday 31 December 2016

Leap and the net will appear

The mind- a jigsaw puzzle, waiting to be decoded, a moment at a time. Therein lies the key to your success and the logical solution to every problem. But how do we use it effectively so that it benefits us to the fullest extent. Can you undo and unlearn your old ways of being and forgive your past failures to move ahead, so that a new -YOU can be re-discovered and a more subtle, confident version of you emerges. How do we handle the daily pressures of living and at the same time, keep our minds sane enough to be productive in daily life. Can you balance out your love life and work life so that it becomes effortlessly easy and manageable to sort out any issues that arise in either sphere of life without actually contributing less in one area and more in the other? Can we as humans train ourselves to be positive and optimistic again, to have the courage to alter things that are redundant in us and obsolete to the point of change seeming almost mandatory. Have you come across a cross road ,which leads directly to your success. Can you take a leap of faith?! Of course, you can ... 

Leap and the net will appear-- Unknown

A quote worthy of contemplation. Don't just read and shrug it off like dust... try to comprehend the deeper meaning of it. In order to leap, we need courage and endurance. In addition, you will also need to become friends with the unknown. Can you trust yourself enough to toss out the judgments and go for it anyway? YES... Well, then what are you waiting for? Toss it off... Let go off negativity and superstitions from your mind first... Become completely detached from it... take off and jump!! Take action to steadily reach your goal... That is the pre-requisite for success. You must detached enough to understand yourself from a third person's point of view as well as steady enough to keep the foundation sturdy. Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods... Just let go the ego hassles of the past and let the light and beauty of the moment enchant your senses and thrill your life force... Have a grip on what's real and what's imagination! Use the latter wisely and frugally...!

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