Tuesday 28 February 2017


They found their way back to me ... My dreams, slowly and gradually, we met each other and embraced, I found my crimson and beautiful reality back after a period of turmoil and distress. Now, it is my time to shine and rise above the ashes and forego completely of what was and illuminate my current state through knowledge, application of wisdom and glowing in the glory of the 'Present Moment'. I'm still and serene, and wise and happy. The simplicity is back, there is no more complication at all. Everything is beautiful and lovely. Let me be content and keep getting better at what I do. Just being me, simply everywhere and anywhere. Firmly grounded and holding myself steady... Being a charm and spreading joy everywhere. Self realisation is just this- being happy with yourself and in the present moment, acting wisely as per your own conscience that keeping guiding you towards the right path. Every struggle in life leads to become wiser and more efficient at handling yourself in different situations, and reacting positively and constructively narrow-minded individuals as they come along.
What is life all about?
It is about peace and blissfulness. It is acceptance and patience, creativity and perseverance. Focus and enthusiasm can help an individual create not just a successful work life but also a happy personal environment in which he is able to cherish and treasure his/her interests and share them with others(friends and family) to create much warmth. Thereby, a person can influence his children in inclining them towards activities which can reap positive benefits later in life. For eg, yoga and meditation, if taught to kids at an early age, can produce profoundly enlightened individuals, who can be the future pioneers of innovative change and dynamic progress.

A slow, steady and smooth approach is the best way towards success in today's digitally-driven environment. In order to lure the mind towards productive activities, we must constantly educate it, in a calmly detached manner, and subjugate it so it listens to us, the awareness and command it stealthily towards the right path. Determination and a goal-oriented attitude must be encouraged among young kids, they must be given the right impetus that jet-sets their mind towards a particular goal and be constantly guided in a friendly manner. What we sow in our minds, can either be reaped in our favour in the form of a bright and progressive future or a future devoid of bright prospects...

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